Host Family for Peace Corps Volunteer

  • Contests
  • Announcer: Peace Corps
  • Date of Announcement: 25.03.2014
  • Deadline: 09.04.2014
  • Link:
Are you interested in knowing more about Americans? Would you like to share the best of your Georgian culture? Would you like to help Georgian organizations and schools to receive an experienced Volunteer to help them in their work? If so, then consider hosting a Peace Corps Volunteer in your Family!
What is the Peace Corps?
Peace Corps is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit agency of the United States government that was established in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy. It's mission is to promote world peace and friendship by fulfilling three fundamental goals:
Providing trained men and women who contribute to the social and economic development of interested countries.
Promoting a better understanding of the American people on the part of the people whom Volunteers serve;
Strengthening Americans' understanding about the world and its people.
Who are the Peace Corps Volunteers?
Volunteers are men and women, young and old, who come from diverse ethnic backgrounds, have a wide range of experiences, and represent the best of America. All Volunteers have a university degree and many have obtained graduate degrees in their area of expertise. Peace Corps Response Program Volunteers commit to serve from three to 12 months. Unlike other foreign aid workers, Volunteers are afforded no special privileges. They receive a modest living allowance, which allows them to live at the same level as the people in their host communities.
Why do Volunteers live with a host family?
The Peace Corps Georgia Homestay program aims to build and deepen cross-cultural relationships between the two nations - Georgia and America. Peace Corps believes that while living with a host family, the Volunteer gains an understanding of the Georgian family's lifestyle and culture, while the host family also learns about American culture and lifestyle.
What should a Host Family expect?
Peace Corps is currently looking for families in Tbilisi that are interested in hosting Americans of diverse backgrounds (age, sex, ethnicity, race, etc.) and who are interested in helping a Volunteer adapt to life in Georgia and learn more about Georgian culture and language. Participating in this program would give Georgian host families a great opportunity to experience cultural exchange, communicate in English with native speakers on a daily basis, gain a new friend as a family member, and to help these American Volunteers have a rewarding cultural experience while working in Georgia.
The Host family selection criteria are simple. Host families are expected to treat their Peace Corps Volunteer as a family member; they should provide daily meals and the minimum housing amenities: a separate room with a bed, basic furniture, and a lock on the door; At least one member of the family should be able to communicate a little English. Peace Corps will provide the Host Families in Tbilisi with a small monthly payment of 335 GEL. This monthly payment is not "rent' but rather a payment to offset the extra costs of having another person in the household. Volunteers will also receive an additional heating allowance for the cold winter months.
Please see the video about Host Family Experience in Georgia:
For more information on Peace Corps programs and the Volunteer experience in Georgia, please visit our web page:
How to apply?
If you are interested in hosting a volunteer in your family, please submit the completed attached application form by April 9, 2014 to:
For additional information, please contact Peace Corps Georgia's Homestay Coordinator:
Tamuna Nozadze, Homestay Coordinator
tel: (+995 322) 241-220/22/23/24