Call for Research Papers

  • Contests
  • Announcer: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  • Date of Announcement: 18.04.2014
  • Deadline: 09.05.2014
  • Link:
Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, together with Policy Management and Consulting Group, has launched the project -"Policy Research for Sustainable Growth", which aims at encouraging young researchers in Georgia.
In the framework of this program, the organizers are pleased to announce a competition for post-graduate research fellows from institutions of higher education and other institutions in Georgia for elaborating research papers on following topics:
1. Costs and benefits of labor mobility between European Union and Georgia
The aim of the study is to provide an informed view of the potential for increased migration flows and their consequences as a result of possible changes in migration policies of the European Union (e.i AA agreement in case of Georgia) with regard to Eastern Partnership countries. Thus, report should include a review of existing literature on migration in Georgia, the effects on local labor markets, an analysis of the existing situation with respect to migratory flows, including socio-demographic characteristics of migrants by destination, data on remittances, etc. It should discuss labor market trends and characteristics in Georgia over the last decade. Current migration policies as applied to the country (relationships with EU) and an analysis of pent-up demand for migration to different destination countries.
2. Global commodity prices impact on local market
Like other small economies, Georgia relies on imports to provide many basic commodities, including wheat, rice, sugar, soya beans, etc. Typically, any changes in the prices of these commodities are very quickly passed onto food prices in Georgia. Thus, Georgian consumers are vulnerable to global commodity price fluctuations. Selected researcher should analyze the dependence of local prices to global markets and how fast price changes transmit (by commodities). Applicant should also look at shares of imported consumption goods (by countries of origin) and analyse recent trends in agricultural sector, which can be considered as a safety net.
3. The effects of investment in clean energy in Georgia
The reality of global climate change faces an enormous challenge - successfully managing the transformation to a predominantly clean energy- based economies. Due to the strong link between economic performance and energy use and the fact that currently, significant part of Georgia's energy needs are met from imported energy resources, it is crucial for Georgia to account the effects of investments in clean energy. The paper should examine the broader economic, environmental and energy considerations such as jobs, incomes, economic growth, energy security, energy independence, and emissions reduction for the country, and therefore, the research paper should concentrate in three main directions: First, to calculate the clean energy investments, generated by measures and policies, that Georgia would need in order to satisfy a number of energy and environmental targets that will be adopted in the context of the EU Energy Community and climate change package; Second, to calculate the macroeconomic and energy impacts of these investments on production, employment and import reductions in the Georgian economy; Third, to evaluate the social impact of potential energy projects, since social equity together with environmental protection and economic growth is the main precondition of the country's sustainable development economic and social field.
4. Possible challenges of harmonization of Georgian legislation with the acquis communautaire of the European Union in energy sector
Over the last decades Georgian energy sector has gone under a significant transformation. Until now important progress has been made towards improving energy sector liberalization, energy security and legal framework. The principal energy sector primary and secondary legislation in Georgia incorporates some aspects of energy regulation and market rules in line with EU principles. However, further changes have to be made in the future in order to harmonize Georgian energy sector legislation with EU acquis communautaire. Currently, as a candidate country, Georgia is under negotiations with EU Energy Community for full membership. Therefore, analysis of possible challenges for its future development in accordance with EU Third Energy package is in the agenda of Government of Georgia.
Selected researcher should analyze current status of Georgian energy sector, its legal and regulatory framework and future development taking into account EU energy Community criteria. Furthermore, report should discuss the measures to be implemented and possible challenges for their adoption. Paper should include: Provision of information and confidentiality (transparency), Security of supply, Energy efficiency, Regional cooperation's and cross-border issues, Potential development of renewable energy, Environmental obligations, Role of regulator.
5. Economic analysis of the solid waste management
The objective of the study is to conduct economic analysis of the solid waste management and economic attractiveness of this sector for private sector entities, which is one of the main obstacles in the environmental sector of Georgia, from the collection of waste to its disposal on landfills and recycling. In particular, the analysis will be conducted for the following activities:
** Solid Waste Collection
** Landfill
** Recycling.
The study will analyze the functions, economic potential, needs and obstacles that stop private sector investments into this sector.
The goal of this research will be to gauge the economic and environmental benefit (or cost) related to capital investment in waste management infrastructure including modern sanitary landfills and recycling and composting infrastructure. Costs will include capital, operating, and maintenance costs. Benefits will include revenues, cost savings (from efficiency or other gains), and environmental improvements (e.g., carbon emission reduction). The results can be useful in understanding the tradeoffs between cost-environmental-social objectives and will be useful to support waste management planning as well as developing recycling strategy and tariff policy. It will also be useful for developing communication and outreach programs, particularly where additional costs or tariffs will be needed to gain economic or environmental benefits.
Interested candidates should present:
1. 2-page research abstract indicating clear view regarding the issue.
2. Detailed CV.
The documents should be submitted by email to Ms. Tamar Jugeli at: latest by 9 May 2014.
Selection timeframe:
The evaluation process will take place in the following steps:
** 9 May 2014: Deadline to submit abstracts
** 30 May 2014: Final decision of the Scientific Board
** 1 June 2014: Start of approved research.
The abstracts are evaluated by an independent Scientific Board. Selected candidate will be assigned to elaborate the research paper (either in English or in Georgian within three months) compliant with the format defined by the project organizers. The researcher will present the outcomes of the research at a public forum with experts from academic and political community.
The research paper preparation and presentation will be compensated with Euro 1200 honorary.
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Tamar Jugeli
Policy Management and Consulting Group
57 Uznadze street, 4th floor, Tbilisi 0102
Tel: 0099532 2982495, 2921171