Feminist Dialogues between Generations

In 2017 three European women`s funds in Germany, Ukraine and Georgia with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office started collaboration to strengthen the dialogue between feminists of different generation.
These women`s funds, filia - die frauenstiftung, Ukrainian Women`s Fund and Women`s Fund in Georgia plan to implement projects in their countries and then get together for a joint event in Kiev where the conference dedicated to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (Nov 25th) will be held. Within the frames of this innovative project Women`s Fund in Georgia announces small grants competition in order to support initiatives of women and girls regarding the dialogue between older and younger generations of feminists.
Women`s Fund in Georgia will allocate three grants of 3500 € and ensure the participation of two persons from each group at the convening on November 25th, 2017 in Kiev.
Projects must start in May 2017 and be finished by October 2017.
Deadline for applications is April 30th, 2017.