Memorandum of Cooperation

Tbilisi. The Memorandum of Cooperation will be executed on December 4 in the Saburtalo District Local Administration between the Saburtalo District Local Administration and the Civil Society Institute. The Memorandum provides for setting up Public Councils in the Saburtalo District.
A Public Council will be a consulting body functioning with the Saburtalo Local Administration. It will serve public interests and facilitate citizen participation in the self-government activities, and development and submission of civil initiatives, recommendations and opinions. The Council will consist of citizens over 16 years of age residing in the Saburtalo District, and representatives of business, media and CSOs. Citizens will be elected to the Council based on competition.
Registration of potential members of a Public Council will be launched from 1 February 2015 and the first Council sitting will take place on 15 May 2015.
Three Public Councils will be set up in total, in the following 3 territorial units - sub-districts of the Saburtalo District:
a) Dighomi, Vashlijvari;
b) Vedzisi, Kazbegi, Gotua, Saburtalo Street;
c) Kostava, Bakhtrioni, Dolidze, Khiliani.
The project will be implemented through joint partnership of the Civil Society Institute and the Saburtalo District Local Administration, with support of the "Open Society - Georgia" Foundation.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)