
Status of implementation of the strategy and action plan of the judicial system
System of disciplinary liability of judges
System of electronic distribution of cases in court
Parliament should not support a bill on Information Security
GYLA calls on Chairperson of the Supreme Court...
GYLA applied to the Parliament with alternative reports regarding the state of execution of Strasbourg court cases
Access to courts - Results of a public opinion survey
Killers of Otkhozoria are still unpunished
Results of a survey of population of Georgia in regard to their attitude towards and knowledge of the Prosecutor's Office
Rule of law and human rights during the COVID-19 crisis
Online presentation of the report - “Forms and prevention of torture and ill-treatment”
Evaluation of GYLA related to legislative changes adopted in connection with the state of emergency
GYLA conducted a presentation of results of a research – “Standards of usage of preventive measures”
Electronic distribution system of cases in court
Statement in regard to closure of trials and other shortcomings in common courts in the conditions of the state of emergency
Where do the homeless go during a curfew?
Organizations call on the Plenum of the Supreme Court to refrain from appointing a judge of the Constitutional Court
Defining the rule of enforcement during the state of emergency has become a competence of Minister of Justice
Call of GYLA to the Plenum of the Supreme Court...
Human Rights Center submitted a legislative proposal to the Parliament
Appointment of Supreme Court Justices: What people in Georgia know and think about the process
Georgia in the Rule of Law Index 2020