
Statement of the Human Rights Center
Public Defender to Monitor Investigation into the Death of 15-Year-Old Teenager
Statement of EMC in regard to the case of suicide of an adolescent
Criminal Justice Day
GYLA demands resignation of Minister of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister Nino Tsatsiashvili
Who participated in interrogation of an injured juvenile
Statement of “Article 42 of the Constitution”
How the Supreme Court has been staffed - a brief overview
Conference on Prevention and Monitoring of Femicide
Evaluation of the process of hearing candidates for judges of the Supreme Court at the Legal Issues Committee
Presentation of the Analysis of Legislation and Practice of Plea Bargain
Ia Kerzaia’s Death: Assessing of Investigation
According to EMC appraisal the state used disproportionate force on November 26
GYLA presented a report on the events of June 20-21
Materials of the criminal case were not fully disclosed to Mako Gomuri
Development of mandatory professional skills of private enforcer
Public Defender Responds to Trials of Persons Detained on 18 November 2019
GYLA calls on state authorities and the international community
Unlawfully dismissed person from work will get compensated for loss
Public Defender: The Rule of Selection of Supreme Court Judicial Candidates is Unconstitutional
The Coalition’s Opinion on the Proposed Amendments to the Organic Law on Common Courts