
Expansion of the CSO Meter is intended
EU awards grants to youth projects to promote social entrepreneurship in Georgia
Response of “No to Phobia!” to an Islamophobic statement made on the air of the TV Company “Imedi”
Six Independent Living Centers have begun operations
What does the agreement state about export of electricity generated by Namakhvani HPP?
The Parliament of the X convocation adopted the problematic bill on Information Security in the third reading
Field trip and Informational Meeting
Facebook has activated a new mechanism
Civic Space after COVID
Important information for asylum seekers
Electronic Cards - Vaccination of covid 19
TI Georgia won 29 cases in 2020
Intended changes in legislation on construction carry risks of criminalization of homelessness
35 years since the Chernobyl disaster - Dangers of a nuclear heritage of the Soviet Union for modern Georgia
Working meeting with the Supreme Council of Ajara
Beyond emancipation and exploitation: Women at collective farms in Soviet Georgia
Digital advocacy of the US: Public diplomacy of the pandemic period to strengthen Georgia
Disinformation: Pfizer is not a vaccine and its first dose is an immunodepressant
There has been announced a moratorium on construction on Batumi Boulevard
Another negative report of the Venice Commission and ODIHR
Joe Biden, Russia, Ukraine and Georgia
Transformation of information warfare methods on the background of development of modern communication capabilities