
"Leave no one behind"
"Barriers to Accessing Higher and Vocational Education for Youth from Non-Dominant Ethnic Groups in Georgia."
Perceptions of civil servants on Human rights and Gender Equality
 What can we learn from the PISA 2022 results?
Climate Change Impact Assessment Report on Women
Georgia's Recent "Municipality Index" report has been published
The National Study on Violence against Women in Georgia 2022
Abkhazia 1917-1921 - Reconstruction of Memory
Implementation Report of "The 2021-2022 Anti-Drug Action Plan"
“Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) – Georgia”
EU CANDIDACY CHECK 5.0 - how is Georgia progressing towards fulfilling 12 priorities defined by the EU
IDFI presented the updated website of Stalin's Lists
EU CANDIDACY CHECK - how is Georgia progressing towards fulfilling 12 priorities defined by the EU
Discussion with Participation of International Experts, Csos and Banks
GCSD launched STEM Camp
IDFI presents the archival documents - the so-called “Stalin’s Lists”
GDI’S Report: SLAPP Cases in Georgia, a new threat to media freedom
A new survey: “Environmental Education and Awareness in Georgia"
Analysis of Overall Statistical Data on General Courts of Georgia 2010-2022
Political Donations Quarterly Newsletter No. 3
IRI Georgia Poll Finds Support for EU Accession High, Weariness of Russian Presence, Lack of Faith in Political Parties