
EMC responds to the rejection of allegations against Tamar Mearakishvili
EMC – For criticism of an adversarial criminal trial
GYLA will prepare a report in regard to developments of June 20-21
Address of the Board of the Charter of Journalistic Ethics to MIA
"Open Society" calls on candidates for judges to cooperate
Decision of the Constitutional Court
“Article 42 of the Constitution” reflects on the current competition on the vacancies of judges of the Supreme Court of Georgia
Public Defender's Office Starts Examination of the Dispersal of the June 20-21 Rally
Public Defender Responds to Ongoing Process of Selection of Supreme Court Judges
The European Court Determined Liability of Georgia on the Fact of Ill-Treatment of Nikoloz Goguadze Detained During the Special Operation of Kintsvisi
GYLA will submit complaints to the Court of Appeals
Those accused of murdering Vitali Safarov were deprived of their liberty for 15 years each
The Role of the Judges in the Criminal Justice System - The Results of a Qualitative Study
Public Defender's Statement
Address of journalists to the government of Georgia and diplomatic corps
Statement of Non-Governmental Organizations on the 20 June Events
Statement of the Public Defender’s Office
Statement of The Coalition for an ‘Independent and Transparent Judiciary’
Statement of the Coalition in regard to current developments taking place around State Inspector