
Critical comments of GYLA in regard to the Law on Police
Another successful case of TI
EMC: ''Biblus'' has lost one more dispute
Compliance with deadlines for case review and decision-making
PHR applied to relevant agencies in regard to possible violations at the Martkopi boarding house
EMC responds to the public statement of the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia
Parliament has considered part of GDI comments on the Law on Land
Tbilisi City Court ordered MIA to compensate moral damage
Case of torture of Irakli Khoperia has been contested in the Strasbourg court
Perceptions of Prosecutors’ and Judges’ Wheelings and Dealings
Gaps in a professional training system for judges
Urgent opinion of Venice Commission on the appointment of Supreme Court Judges in Georgia
EMC: What do we demand when talking about labor safety?
Institutionalization of a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in legislation
Precedential case of sexual harassment in the Court of Appeals
TI: Results of a public opinion survey