
Media Advocacy Coalition releases a statement in regard to needs of radio broadcasters
Statement of CSOs: Comment of Rizhvadze regarding the hunger striker is unethical
Developments occurred around Adjara Public Broadcaster are still critical
National Communications Commission encourages restriction of access to public information
Facebook cleansing survivor fake media network
Solidarity campaign to support journalists of Adjara TV and Radio of Public Broadcaster
Media Advocacy Coalition responds to risks of encouragement of discrimination against TV25
EMC: Actions taken against employees of Adjara Broadcaster likely contain signs of crime
EMC responds to dismissal of Chairman of the Trade Union from Adjara Broadcaster
Network of coordinated fake media sites operating for political purposes
Russian information operation on Facebook encouriging political polarization in Georgia
Chronicle of the three-month persecution of Adjara Public Broadcaster journalists
Russian propaganda and COVID-19 - Should Georgia expand trade relations with Russia or not?
According to the opinion of the Ombudsperson, decisions taken in regard to three employees of Adjara Broadcaster are unlawful
Ethical dilemmas while covering the pandemic
“Media Advocacy Coalition” responds to persecution of journalists of Adjara Broadcaster
USAID’s ACCESS program provided a grant to the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics
Open Society Georgia Foundation launches a large-scale project
Charter of Ethics prepares a COVID-19 coverage guide for media
Covid-19: Disinformation can kill
Russian information operation in Georgia - Coordinated network of “Sputnik” on Facebook
EMC addresses Georgian Public Broadcaster