
EMC applied to court in regard to cases of journalists of Adjara TV
Media Advocacy Coalition once again calls on the Government to support the media
Unsubstantiated demand of Director of Adjara Public Broadcaster in regard to termination of mediation should not be satisfied
EMC: Adjara broadcaster continues to persecute critical journalists
We call on the state and the media to consider languages of minorities in information policy
The Charter calls on journalists to exercise caution when preparing material related to ethnic minorities
CSOs address international organizations in regard to alarming processes taking place at Adjara Broadcaster
“Public to save the broadcaster” campaign will be launched online
Statement of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform
Media Advocacy Coalition applies to the Public Defender
Charter: Editorial independence of Adjara TV is still in jeopardy
EMC responds to alarming situation occurred at Adjara Public Broadcaster
Statement of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association
Statement of “Media Advocacy Coalition”
Public Defender of Georgia Responds to Developments in Adjara TV Station
Winners of “Journalists for Corporate Social Responsibility 2019” have been revealed
Media Advocacy Coalition once again addresses international organizations in regard to processes that take place at Adjara TV
Editorial independence of Adjara TV is in jeopardy
Media Advocacy Coalition responds to processes developed around “TV Pirveli”
Statement of “Media Advocacy Coalition” in regard to the Attack on Nika Gvaramia
Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics detected violation of the principle of inviolability of private life in an entertainment program
European Union named winners of EU Prize for Journalism in Georgia 2019