
The U.S. Embassy in Georgia: The Georgian people have, once again, spoken clearly that the only choice for Georgia is… European future
Newsletter #490: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
HRHT supports the protesting activists and ensure payment of fines to those arrested
Women’s Information Center explains issues related to recalling the draft law “On transparency of Foreign Influence”
Statement of the European Union
Japan Embassy's financial assistance to Georgia
 CENN releases statement on the draft laws of “Foreign Transparency Influence”
Media Advocacy Coalition appeals to Shalva Papuashvili - Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia
Newsletter #489: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
"Helping Hand" will hold its annual Volunteerism Fair in Tbilisi on March 10
CSS appeal to George Khelashvili
Norway MFA: The draft law defines CSOs as “foreign agents”…
The draft laws on “Transparency of Foreign Influence” are anti-democratic and do not correspond to the priorities of the European Union Membership Candidate Country
Commissioner urges the Georgian Parliament to reject the draft law “On transparency of foreign influence”
TI Georgia: Another Success Story
Analysis of the Draft Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence
Creating career opportunities for women affected by conflict
 US Ambassador Degnan: „Georgia does not need this law"
Spring, 2023 semester of the Academic and Certificate Program: Disinformation and Propaganda Studies
State Department Spokesperson,  Ned Price about draft legislation
Statement of the United Nations in Georgia on the draft Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence
Statement made by The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe