
Computer Courses for Women and Girls
EU’s New 150 M Programme in Georgia
Khulo LAG launches a new project to retrain guesthouse operators
Meetings in Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda
Training in International Accounting Standards for Gerogian Accountants
Training on the Methods & Mechanisms of Government Oversight
IDFI Held a Training for Prosecutors and Journalists
The Training of Trainers program studying the work of private enforcement officers has started
EU and UNDP support local cso’s to encourage community engagement in rural development
Questions concerning authenticity of Tadumadze’s diploma must be answered
 A lecture Course “War and Peace” renews
LINC Conference in Estonia
EU and FAO share best practices of Conservation Agriculture and Integrated Pest Management
Combat hate speech – guidelines for media
International Women’s Association Visited the EU-Supported Green Camp for Young Leaders
Training on International Refugee Protection and Security
The Public Defender’s statement about University of Georgia
Trainings on Women's Leadership
Workshop on Freedom of Expression and Public Persuasion
EU-supported Youth Summer Camp in Racha
Movie screening was held for School of Justice Alumni